Privacy Policy:

Aura Plastic Surgery abides to maintain privacy and this applies to all the information collected from you or published in our website/application. We will not, unless required by law, use or share the information to external or third parties. Privacy policy applies to the collection, storage, and usage of all information from Aura Plastic Surgery . By using the services of this application, you agree to the terms and conditions of the Aura Plastic Surgery .

Our privacy policy and terms & conditions are subject to changes and revisions. So kindly review the policy periodically.

Terms and Conditions:

Kindly go through the terms and conditions of Aura Plastic Surgery  before using website or mobile application or avail the services offered by us. The terms ‘you’, ‘your’, ‘user’ refers to all registered and unregistered using services from Aura Plastic Surgery ,Chennai.

  1. User should be at least 17 years old or using the services under the supervision of parent or guardian, who then will be the recipient of the Terms and Conditions.
  2. The content of this application is for general purpose only, and is subject to change without notice. It is hereby informed that all the content provided by  Aura Plastic Surgery, Chennai are strictly for information purpose only, and must not be used as an alternate for emergency medical care.
  3. Data and Privacy:
    1. To have access to Aura Plastic Surgery website and mobile application, one must register in the mobile application, which includes providing personal information like name, contact, email id, gender, data of birth.
    2. Aura Plastic Surgery have full access to information provided by the user for further communication or analytics. The collected information will be used only for the improvement of service quality or develop better services.
    3. Aura Plastic Surgery shall not, unless required by law, use or share the information to external or third parties.
    4. Users are responsible for the accuracy of the information provided in the website or mobile application. Aura Plastic Surgery reserves the right to discontinue the services of the user if the information provided are inaccurate or incomplete or not true.
    5. Users are requested not to share his/her credentials of the website or mobile application. User is responsible to maintain the confidentiality of his/her account details User shall immediately notify Aura Plastic Surgery for any actual or suspected or unauthorized activity in his/her account. However, Aura Plastic Surgery is not liable for losses from the any method of unauthorized access if you lose your login credentials or otherwise compromised.
    6. If user provides his/her access to third party, he/she is responsible for all activities done by the person. Aura Plastic Surgery is not liable for any loss or compromise from the user side.
    7. Users are required keep the profile updated in case of change in mobile number or email to avail the services of website and mobile application without hindrance.
  4. Registering in the website or mobile application is a must for an user to book appointment (Clinic visit or Video consultation) or be updated through the notifications and blogs in the mobile application. The user will able to chat with Doctor only after completing his/her first appointment with the Doctor. 
  5. Any update/instruction about the appointments and services respectively will be notified to the user through the mobile application. However, any reminder related to the procedure are additional part of the service, and Aura Plastic Surgery is not liable if the reminder is undelivered or delivered late for any reason despite the best efforts, and would request the user to keep himself/herself monitored based on Doctor’s instructions.
  6. Telemedicine:
    1. The services shall be provided to you via audio/video consultation. Please ensure that you are equipped with proper video conference equipment and internet connectivity as mentioned. In case of inadequate video conference equipment, technical error or defective internet connectivity, Aura Plastic Surgery reserves the right to reschedule or cancel your appointment.
    2. You understand and acknowledge that there will not be any physical examination involved and the consultation services shall be provided through video only.
    3. Video consultation from the doctor to subject to his/her availability and confirmation or changes will be notified through the mobile application.  
    4. The opinion delivered by the doctor shall solely be based on the verbal communication between the concerned doctor and the patient and the reports and other information provided by you during the online consultation.
    5. In case the patient misses or cancels the appointment, he/she shall not be entitled to any refund.
    6. Online consultation services of Aura Plastic Surgery are not meant in any way for emergency conditions. It is advised to take the patient to the nearest hospital in such cases.
    7. Aura Plastic Surgery reserve the right to ask for confirmation of identification when required. Failing which Aura Plastic Surgery have the right to cancel the consultation without refund.
    8. Aura Plastic Surgery reserves the rights to change or revise the pricing structure at any time, without prior notification.
  7. Payments:
    1. Online payments are done through our trusted gateway partners. Aura Plastic Surgery , however, is not liable in case of incorrect input (card details) or unauthorized access from the user side.
    2. Aura Plastic Surgery shall not take responsibility for 1) Incomplete transaction, 2) Transaction failure from user or bank side, 3) Decline due to unauthorized attempt or transaction 4) Any other failure from user side.
    3. All payment or refund related queries are handled by Aura Plastic Surgery Support team only. Aura Plastic Surgery is not associated with any third party or external support for payment related queries.
  8. Content and Copyrights:
    1. All the contents in website and mobile application are copyrighted Aura Plastic Surgery only. Any sharing or copying of the same for commercial purpose will be a violation of copyrights, and Aura Plastic Surgery reserves the right to take action accordingly.
    2. Users acknowledge and agree not to share or upload the content of the website or application without obtaining the permission of Aura Plastic Surgery
  9. This services from Aura Plastic Surgery should not be used in any way that can harm an individual, invade another’s privacy, breach laws or regulations, hinders the functioning of the same.
  10. Users agree to provide fullest co-operation to Aura Plastic Surgery to resolve any queries or issues from user or hospital side. 
  11. User agrees to not hold Aura Plastic Surgery , their representative, partners for loss, damage from user side or infringement from his/her account. If notified by Aura Plastic Surgery in such events, you agree to provide complete co-operation to Aura Plastic Surgery .
  12. Aura Plastic Surgery may maintain temporary or permanent cookies. User have full permission to accept or refuse the usage of cookies by configuring your browser. Aura Plastic Surgery recommend the user to manage your browser configuration accordingly.
  13. By using the services of Aura Plastic Surgery , you are bound to all the terms and conditions of Aura Plastic Surgery  and subject to our privacy policy.      
  14. No term or condition will be compromised for any individual in any case, unless authorized by Aura Plastic Surgery
  15. Aura Plastic Surgery reserves the right to modify or terminate any of the above terms and conditions, without notice, any time.

All the terms and conditions represent an agreement between the user and the Aura Plastic Surgery . By proceeding further, you confirm that you have read, understood and agree to all terms and conditions. 

For further comments or queries, kindly contact us at **.